Tuesday, 22 January 2013


I place on record  the marvellous experience we had in  GSWA  IN KHANDWA  through this collage

Monday, 21 January 2013

Java Download

To run Alice you need to install Java .Here is the link for free download

Friday, 11 January 2013


First of all Thanks to Ms Kamal Peter for giving us the opportunity to facilitate GSWA . It was a great experience when we introduced Alice to the teachers specially TGT Maths/TGT(Eng.) – They compared thinkquest with Alice , but thought Alice is more helpful as- it is offline with 3D effects. They showed interest like students when  we told them the story of great Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. How should we upload a picture of him and create a story by adding other characters. Soon enough they caught onto the idea and tried to add more Indian geniuses thus, creating their own stories.Some of the teachers created stories in alice world in minimum time, efforts like those were remarkable. 
All teachers showed interest to learn Alice and support us . GSWA training is targeted towards 6th -12 th grade teachers- Teachers can integrate the Alice 3.1 into their FA2/FA4 and their students can apply Alice into  different projects. Alice can be integrated into : social studies, mathematics, language-hindi ,english , science, technology, business, studies , music, art & more.  

Thursday, 10 January 2013



Friends,I loved promoting Alice to the colleagues at the in service course at T.G.T Science course at Kanjikode Kerala.I think I and Mujib sir were so engrossed in doing everything just the right way that we both forgot to click any pictures.
It was a learning,pleasure and confidence gained.
I saw teachers cheered like a small children on being able to move objects and follow procedures to be able to manipulate objects and looking forward to make stories for the classroom.They looked forward to learn more and each one of them expressed desire to learn it completely and use it C.C.E....Teachers were requesting to take Alice for the whole day as it was something new to learn for them and also they could see lot fo potentials in the software
I thanks Mrs.Kamal Peter for giving me an opportunity to explore Alice and myself and an opportunity to see how it Alice and me can team up in the classroom and create a pleasurable experience for the learners.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Glimpses of ALICE Training at KV CLRI, Chennai for PGT( Maths) Teachers

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Java error while starting Alice3 - Solution

I have faced the following problem when I tried to run Alice 3 in one computer running Windows XP at one of the venues where I conducted the workshop. I am sharing it as it may be helpful to some of our friends who might have faced same problem.

When you double click on the Alice 3 shortcut, a command window opens saying "java isn't recognized as a internal or external command, operable program or batch file" install java.

Right click on My Computer select properties and click on Advanced tab.
You will find a button environment variables at the bottom. Click on it and under system variable edit path variable to add the path to the bin directory under java folder (eg. C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin). Do not remove the other values in the path variable box, just add this at the end after the last semi colon ( ; )
The same may happen in Windows Vista and 7 and the solution is the same.

GSWA KV No.1 Mangalore and KV Kanjikode

GSWA was conducted at the Inservice Courses for TGT Science at KV Kanjikode (23 participants and 4 resource persons attended) and TGT Maths at KV No.1 Mangalore (32 participants and 2 resource persons attended).
The experience was wonderful. Participants at both venues enjoyed 'playing' with Alice, though they were a little bit skeptical about whether they will be able to continue after the workshop. 

Animation created by one of the participants Mr. Vijay Kumar, TGT Maths KV Surya Lanka, Guntur. He has used a procedure swim as shown below. A simple procedure, but he has used the concepts of procedure, vehicle, do together, camera etc. effectively for a beginner.

The next one was made by Mr. Murthy, KV Kanchanbagh. He has used a very simple procedure to make this group Mass PT, the idea which all liked and successfully made in to a variety of animations.

More practice would have helped the participants at both venues to learn more.


To expose the participants to the latest trends in use of ICT and with a focus to use it in the class rooms and integrate ALICE for the  Assessment of FA2/FA4 

TGT (Eng.) 29-12-2012

Making Simple Animations with Actors

Add animals, people, and objects, and define simple and complex behaviors, Work with parts of characters and people to create realistic animations, Use counters and loops and evaluate expressions to run conditional code, Customize and animate a person’s body and make the person interact with the environment , Control multiple cameras to create realistic experiences .
·     TEACHERS : Understand procedure definition, algorithms, functions, and conditional statements.
·       How Alice 3 -environment can be integrated into a variety of academic subjects through formative Assessments.

  Using the IF and WHILE Control Statements.
  • Setting initial properties for an actor
  • Moving an actor
  • Resizing an actor
  • Working with multiple actors
  • import music files
  • import pictures 

Alice is a free and innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story. Alice is a teaching tool designed as a revolutionary approach to teaching and learning introductory programming concepts.


TGT (Maths.) 30-12-2012 
In Alice 3, a menu bar is displayed in the upper left corner of the window, as shown below. The menus include: File, Edit, Project, Run, Window, and Help.

PGT (Hindi.) 31-12-2012

Our only suggestion is that the first time an Alice project is saved, use Save As instead of Save.
Enjoyed to know about Alice
creating a scene by adding and positioning object

  • Orienting an actor to a target actor
Alice is a 3D Educational software created by Carnegie Melon University with support from Oracle. This software is used by schools to teach animation and create simple educational  projects. It enables a new way to think and learn by populating virtual worlds intelligently, breaking problem statements into small tasks, drawing up algorithmic expressions which help in problem solving.
Getting Started with Alice will strengthen the e-initiatives of KVS. 
GSWA - A virtual think tank